
Monday, March 31, 2008

A conundrum of sorts.....

I am sure I completely misspelled the title. I am not known for my English. Actually, most of the world is not known for their English anymore. We are melting...... I digressed.
I am writing today to kind of talk through some issues I have. Like the issue of Mom and Pop companies, or the issue of working for "Mom&Pops". People want to complain about big business all the time. Big business ruined the American way, big business hurts the small guy, blah bah blah. What big business does is drive competitive wages, drive competitive pricing, and drives the economy. I recently got into an argument with a relative. This relative refused to go to Starbucks with the comment of supporting local. So I asked who employs more people. The local yokels or Starbucks? Relatives reply was that Starbucks money doesn't stay here. I disagreed. I asked who she thought donated more to the community. Local or Starbucks? The fact is this....
Big business is a "good" evil if you will. It is able to provide more benefits for its employees than small businesses. Retirement, health care, paid vacations, etc... What small business should take advantage of is work environment, flexible scheduling, and family type atmosphere. Most do not though, and that is why they cannot hold good employees. I am at this such fork in my road. I do not dislike my employer, at the same time I do not like the pay. I know....I know. Just go ask for what I want. Well that is set into motion. Within 30 days I will be better paid. Albeit by this current employer or myself. The latter is scary, but realistic as it comes. I still live in an area where customer service is a leverage tool, and I like providing it. So we will wait and see. Till next time....
Work hard, but live life for your family and friends.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Living Large.....

Yes...I just said that. I am a white guy living in "redneck" central. I have a loving lovely wife who never gets the praise she deserves. Albeit from her family or her job. She is a dedicated mother and one hell of a hard worker that no average bloke like me deserves. Yet I wake up every morning to her and sometimes I take that for granted. I vow from this day forward to change that. So the birth of the blogging "Rook" begins.

I have had the "call sign" of "thee_rook" for many a year now. I came to it from the fact that I was new (a rookie) to most games I picked up playing, and my love for the game of chess. I would consider chess the original first person shooter of all time. Mano v. mano. No excuses.......except that you just plain SUCK. Reality always comes crashing down doesn't it. Its like Monday morning. No matter how long you put off sleep on Sunday hits you square in the face screaming, "Up, Up ,Up, its a great day for Up!" Snooze! I need a snooze button here!

I find this to be a slightly liberating feeling. This blogging. I can talk to myself under the guise of blogging without looking like the Nut-Job standing at the bus stop. You know who I am talking about. It may be some of you reading this. If it is.....I mean nothing personal....Oh ...and I live really close to where the Uni-bomber lived. Stay away. We have enough whackos here. A good friend of mine has been blogging for some time now, and I always looked to it as a possible release of ranting...venting...raw emotion without bothering my wife with such trivial issues. She works hard enough. She shouldn't have to "work" to be around me. I never want her to feel I am just another job she has to get through. I will change my dear.....this I promise.

I digress. Just wait....that is what blogging is about. Emotions, thoughts, ramblings, forsight, hind sight, epiphanies, the highs, the lows, the Human Nature. We like to speak. We like to complain. We want people to know I just had to listen to their crap with a splitting head-ache do to lack of sleep and a projectile vomiting child. I mean could their speeding ticket they received for trying to run school children over at 45 m.p.h. at 8:00 a.m. justify more of my time. GO....AWAY. I just took my reality tylenol, and the bottle said it makes ALL pains and aches go away. How come you are still Only if we all had a miracle pill.

What I have learned in the last year:
-Life is definitely not fair
If only everyone was blessed with such a great family as I.
-Bad things do happen.
Open your freaking eyes. Hopefully it will save you a concussion.
-Everything takes longer than expected
With diligence all will turn out o-kay.
-Being a parent should NEVER be taken lightly
You never know what kind of "trade" show they may go to at age 13 without solid guidence.
-Blogging is still wierd
It is like "streaking" the internet with naked emotions hanging out everywhere!

Viva LA_MERC.....those who are in the know....know.

Till my next install........Peace and wellness. If I wronged you forgive me. I would do it for myself. Just wait I have. *jk* Love to my wife, children, and friends. You all keep me going everyday.